Establishment of Joint Venture to Commercialize “Waste to Ethanol" Technology

Aiming to build the ultimate resource recycling social system
  • INCJ

・Establish a verification plant in Kuji City, 岩手县, and start its operation for a verification project (ethanol supply) by the end of fiscal 2021
・Enhance the recruitment of local municipalities and private 业务es as partners, aiming full-scale commercial operation in fiscal 2025

关井化工有限公司.有限公司. (President and 代表 Director: Keita Kato; hereinafter, “SEKISUI 化学”) and INCJ公司. (President and COO: Mikihide Katsumata; hereinafter: “INCJ”) have established a joint venture called 关井生物精炼厂.有限公司. (以下, (“合资”),目的是验证将可燃废物转化为乙醇的技术并将其商业化*1 使用SEKISUI 化学和美国初创公司LanzaTech(以下简称LanzaTech)联合开发的微生物催化剂, “BR*2 乙醇技术”).

*1参见SEKISUI 化学 Dec. 6 2017年新闻稿: “Turning “Waste” into Ethanol Establishing a first-in-the-world innovative production technology”.
*2 BR:生物精炼厂的缩写.

合资公司将对BR乙醇技术进行最后阶段的验证,以备未来的实施和商业化, a verification plant will be established in Kuji City, 岩手县. It is planned that operation for verification project will start at the end of fiscal 2021. At the verification plant,大约imately one tenth (approx. 在标准规模的废物处理设施处理的城市固体废物量的20t/天)将从现有的废物处理设施接收,然后用作生产乙醇的原料. 当地市政当局等合作伙伴, 垃圾处理相关公司 and plant manufacturers will be widely recruited. 验证工厂生产的乙醇将供应给各行各业对该技术感兴趣的许多公司,以评估乙醇在各种产品和业务中的使用. 通过这些举措,合资公司的目标是实现BR乙醇技术的全面商业化.

Through the verification project of BR ethanol technology by the JV, SEKISUI 化学和INCJ都将为创建最终的资源回收社会系统做出贡献,这将有助于解决各种社会问题.

<Future image for what the JV will achieve>

Future image for what the JV will achieve


约6000万吨*3 of combustible waste is generated each year in 日本. When converted to calories, this would equate to approximately 200 trillion kcal. 尽管与日本用于生产塑料的化石资源的数量(大约1000万美元)相比,这很容易达到足够的规模. 3000万吨/年*4,大约. 150万亿千卡), 只有一部分废物被回收,而大部分废物被焚烧并通过填埋的方式处理.

塑料被用于各种便利的产品,为十大赌博娱乐平台的生活方式,是十大赌博娱乐平台日常生活中不可或缺的一部分. 与此同时, as highlighted by the issue of marine plastic waste, the handling of plastics after they have been used is a serious problem. In order to solve this issue, plastics need to be recycled after use..

To pass on a sustainable society to the next generation, SEKISUI 化学 has engaged in the conversion of waste into resources for new products. 在这个倡议下, unsorted unrecyclable waste including plastic waste are converted into an urban oil field. In 2017, 与LanzaTech合作开发了将未分类的不可回收废物等原料转化为乙醇的技术. 从那时起,它利用环境部支持的项目(碳循环社会模式示范项目)招募合作伙伴并研究商业模式,以实现该技术的实际实施和商业化.

*3引自:SEKISUI 化学根据“废物大面积移动调查报告”改编, and of the actual status of the recycling volume of waste, 等.,由环境部发布
*4 Cited from: Converted by SEKISUI 化学 based on “Plastic products, plastic waste and resource recovery” by the Plastic Waste Management Institute

<Expected schedule for commercialization and 业务 deployment for BR ethanol technology>

Expected schedule for commercialization and 业务 deployment for BR ethanol technology

2. Purpose of Establishment of JV by SEKISUI 化学 and INCJ

与管理废物处理的地方市政当局和私营公司等合作伙伴的密切合作对于BR乙醇技术的商业化和业务扩展是必不可少的, and promotion of its widespread use throughout society.

SEKISUI 化学 will collaborate with INCJ, a public/private sector fund supervised by the Ministry of Economy, 贸易及工业, to construct strong collaborative relationships with partners such as local municipalities, 垃圾处理相关公司, plant manufacturers and companies that use ethanol. SEKISUI 化学期望国际商会支持与有关部委的讨论和协调.

其基本方针是克服产业和组织的界限,通过开放式创新培育和创造为下一代负责国家财富的产业, INCJ believes that investment in the said JV matches its basic philosophy.

By commercialization of BR ethanol technology and expansion of its 业务 by this JV, SEKISUI 化学和INCJ都旨在为日本各地做出贡献,并通过实现以碳回收为中心的循环经济,为解决社会问题做出贡献, in order to create a sustainable society.

3.Comments by SEKISUI 化学 and INCJ on establishment of the JV

关井化工有限公司.有限公司. President and 代表 Director Keita Kato
SEKISUI 化学 considers its top issue to be ESG management, and we are aiming to speed up and enhance initiatives in this field. The most important issue in order to achieve this is using waste as a resource. Based on the conviction that we must aggressively pursue this goal, we are engaging in developing technology that can be leveraged in order to use “waste” as resources. 在国际刑事法院的支持下, 十大赌博娱乐平台希望参与各种各样的合作,并通过加快在社会中的实际实施,为解决社会问题做出贡献.

INCJ公司. 董事长兼首席执行官:志贺俊之
该业务旨在创建一个不依赖新鲜化石资源的生物炼油厂生态系统,期望为解决减少二氧化碳和回收塑料废物的全球问题做出贡献. INCJ将与SEKISUI 化学合作,进一步推动结合多种技术的开放式创新,以实现这种“废物转化为资源”技术的商业化.






2-10-4, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo (within SEKISUI 化学 Tokyo Head Office)


President and 代表 Toru Ryoso




Verification project for BR ethanol technology and 业务 expansion of BR ethanol technology



2-10-4, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo (SEKISUI 化学 Tokyo Head Office)


President and 代表 Keita Kato




・Manufacturing/sale of high functioning resin-related materials such as automotive materials
・Manufacturing/sale of pipes and engineering materials for water and sewage,
construction-related materials, and functional materials
・Unit housing manufacturing/sale and renovation 业务
・Medical 业务 such as medical products for extracorporeal diagnosis







September 2018 (split from 创新 Network Corporation of 日本)


支持ing industrial innovation through investment 等. 在创新企业中                     


In 2017, SEKISUI化学和LanzaTech共同开发了一种生产技术,该技术可以将废物处理设施收集的废物转化为气体,然后在不使用任何热量或压力的情况下利用微生物将气体转化为乙醇. This innovative technology has made it possible to use “waste”, abundant but extremely difficult to use in 业务, as a resource alternative to fresh fossil resources.

< BR乙醇技术综述>



Headquartered in 日本, 关井化工有限公司.有限公司. (TSE: 4204) and its subsidiaries make up the SEKISUI 化学 Group. 26,十大赌博娱乐平台在全球21个国家拥有200多家公司,约有5000名员工,十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是为改善世界人民的生活和地球环境做出贡献. 这要归功于创新的历史, 奉献和开拓精神, SEKISUI化学目前在其三个不同的业务部门中处于领先地位,并在层间膜领域占据全球最高市场份额, 泡沫产品, 导电颗粒等.
自1947年成立以来, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台致力于为社会和环境做出贡献,现在是国际公认的可持续发展和环境倡议的领导者, having recently been selected as one of the 全球 100 most sustainable companies. 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将继续保持一个强大的企业存在100年及以后.




This press release may contain forward-looking statements. 此类前瞻性陈述基于当前的预期和信念,并受到许多因素和不确定性的影响,由于全球经济的变化,这些因素和不确定性可能导致实际结果与此类陈述所表达或暗示的结果产生重大差异, 业务, competitive market and regulatory factors.